Characters related by pinyin - most common first

shuo Home Pinyin

说 shuō

数 shuò 烁 shuò 硕 shuò 朔 shuò 铄 shuò 妁 shuò 搠 shuò 蒴 shuò 槊 shuò

Pinyin phrases without tones

shuobaile 说白了 shuōbáile to be honest

shuobuding 说不定 shuō bu dìng maybe

shuobuqing 说不清 shuō bu qīng unclear

shuochang 说唱 shuōchàng rap

shuochu 说出 shuō chū speak out

shuochuan 说穿 shuōchuān put on

shuocuo 说错 shuō cuò wrong

shuodao 说道 shuōdao said

shuodaodi 说到底 shuō dàodǐ after all

shuodaozuodao 说到做到 shuō dào zuò dào do as promised

shuofa 说法 shuōfǎ parlance

shuofu 说服 shuōfú convince

shuohao 说好 shuō hǎo agreed

shuohua 说话 shuōhuà speak

shuohuang 说谎 shuōhuǎng lie

shuojiao 说教 shuōjiào didactic

shuoke 说客 shuōkè lobbyist

shuoming 说明 shuōmíng description

shuomingshu 说明书 shuōmíngshū instruction manual

shuoqing 说情 shuōqíng intercede

shuoshi 硕士 shuòshì master's degree

shuoshuo 说说 shuō shuō talk about

shuoshuoeryi 说说而已 shuō shuō éryǐ i am just joking

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